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Nice graphics, well-chosen soundtrack and great storytelling. What else can you ask here? Everything is done very well.

I especially liked the way of presenting the story. Just one meeting made it so concise and just to tell about the whole story and relationship between the characters and add so much depth to them. There are no extra words, unnecessary phrases. The story is read in half an hour, and this time is completely enough to leave warmth on the heart and make you feel a slight sadness from the fact that everything is over. 

If the purpose of this VN was to tell a story, then it was more than fulfilled. It was a wonderful half hour, thank you very much for that.

I really enjoyed the story with this one as well as the art and music.  Well worth a look.

A shame you were disqualified from the May Wolf, your vn was good! You made a good job, you can be proud of your work! Tanner and Alex are cute together ❤️

Wait why was it disqualified? Haven't read yet but I don't see anything off at first glanc

(1 edit) (+2)

Something about the wolf should have a been the sole love interest, and not a mc like Alex (the dragon). Like the pov should be more from Axel only.

Yeah a confusing rule, but the May Wolf staff did apologize after that.

But please still give it a try! In the may wolf game jam or not, it’s still a nice and short vn play 😇

Awww this broke my tiny gay heart. They were so sweet and you capture love, fear, and sadness in such profound ways. Looking forward to seeing more from you!


Honestly this masterpiece from start to finish such a sad and so happy story I can't say anything more 5 stars


beautiful story, and charming art!

so cute! this will be one of those vns i read on a yearly basis with the changing of the seasons

hnnnnnnnnnnghhh i loved this, short but sweet, so i really wish I could see more of these twooo (furry men ❤️ [that become old together ❤️❤️])😭