A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

(CW: Depictions of Violence, Abuse, and Homophobia. As well as some Strong Language)

Hello everyone!

This is Early Morning Snow, originally my entry to the 2024 may wolf. You can find all the submissions made to the jam here! Go give them a look. Everyone put a lot of work into them. This was my first time writing one of these FVNs and I had a lot of fun making it! 

This story is about two old friends meeting back up in their hometown.  Will they reconnect with each other or will the past drive them apart again? 

I hope you enjoy it! :3


Updated 14 days ago
Published 23 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(23 total ratings)
AuthorsBedivereBadger, sebdaconx
GenreVisual Novel
TagsAdult, Furry, Gay


EarlyMorningSnow-1.0.2-pc.zip 89 MB
EarlyMorningSnow-1.0.2-mac.zip 84 MB
Android Application 98 MB

Install instructions

For Windows: Download the zip file, then extract the files in a location of your choice on your PC. Then run the executable.

For Mac: Idk I don't have a mac. Good luck ;w;

For Android: Download the apk and tap to run it from your files. Select "Install" and open the app there or from your apps list.

Development log


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A shame you were disqualified from the May Wolf, your vn was good! You made a good job, you can be proud of your work! Tanner and Alex are cute together ❤️

Wait why was it disqualified? Haven't read yet but I don't see anything off at first glanc

(1 edit) (+2)

Something about the wolf should have a been the sole love interest, and not a mc like Alex (the dragon). Like the pov should be more from Axel only.

Yeah a confusing rule, but the May Wolf staff did apologize after that.

But please still give it a try! In the may wolf game jam or not, it’s still a nice and short vn play 😇

Awww this broke my tiny gay heart. They were so sweet and you capture love, fear, and sadness in such profound ways. Looking forward to seeing more from you!


Honestly this masterpiece from start to finish such a sad and so happy story I can't say anything more 5 stars


beautiful story, and charming art!

so cute! this will be one of those vns i read on a yearly basis with the changing of the seasons

hnnnnnnnnnnghhh i loved this, short but sweet, so i really wish I could see more of these twooo (furry men ❤️ [that become old together ❤️❤️])😭